
Notebook, 1993-

MATERIALS & METHODS - Painting - Sythetic Resin Paints

Acrylic Resins - Alkyd Resins - Cellulose Acetate - Cellulose Nitrate - Synthetics in Artists' Materials - Vinyl Resins

Prepared Artists' Materials - Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion [PVA, Vinyl Polymer Tempera] - Acrylic Emulsion Paints [Acrylic Polymer Tempera] - Acrylic Solution Paints - Alkyd Resin Medium

[From: Kay, Reed. The Painters Guide to Studio Methods and Materials. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983.]

Alkyd Resin Medium - Equipment and Tools

Alkyd Resin Medium - Supports and Grounds - Equipment and Tools - Painting Procedures - Protection of the Picture

The customary oil painting equipment can be employed for alkyd paints. Bristle and sable brushes, palette knives, and palettes are all used and cleaned in the usual way. Tools should be rinsed in solvent directly after they are used, since the rapid-drying paint may harden and spoil the brushes if they are left to be cleaned on the next day. [p. 200]

[Kay, Reed. The Painters Guide to Studio Methods and Materials. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983.



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