
Notebook, 1993-

PEOPLE . . . . Artcyclopedia . . . . AskArt . . . . Bartleby . . . . Encyclopaedia Brittanica . . . . Voice of the Shuttle . . . . 20th c. Visual Arts & Artists . . . . World Biographical Index . . . . Biography . . . . Biography Center . . . . Dictionary of Art Historians


"Initially Zeus was the god of weather phenomena. He lit up the heavens, [nephelegeretis] moved the clouds, caused rain and snow, and hurled his thunder and thunderbolts. Later in time, because the Greek tribes lived mostly by cultivation of the soil, they gave him additional attributes associated directly with their lives, and from the god of the heavens and weather phenomena who determined the rainfall, frost, and the number of sunny days in the year, he became even more influential and soon was the foremost of the gods in the pantheon. Homer was the first to give him the attributes for which he was always to be known, and Hesiod was the second author to do so. Zeus became father of gods and men and all things depend upon him. The epithets given to him by the poets and his votaries are countless and number more than 150 and are typical of his many attributes. Zeus Xenios, Horkios, Nepheligeretis, Eunous, Iketes, Saviour, Father, Lyceios, and Olympios give the clues to the range of some of his responsibilities which are without number and are of a natural and ethical nature. One can thus say that his power had as foundation the dual supremacy of power and of wisdom. He was supreme among the gods, second to none, and limited in his universal power only by the mysterious dictates of Fate . . . . " [

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Zephyros . . . . . Zeus [Jupiter] . . . . . Ziusudra



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